Let’s Do This - A (post) run yoga guide

It’s all well & good going out for a run; feeling like Johnny Bravo &smashing Strava up but if you aren’t taking the time to stretch post run -you’re not training smart. Training smart enables you to keep in tip top shape because stretching out those tight muscles after along run can help with recovery, enhance strength building and keeps your body supple, so you can keep skipping through the years.

So, where are my non stretchers at?! (hands up).

The second blog with LDT is up so check it out. There’s a video at the bottom of the blog so feel free to watch that to give you a good idea of binding the stretches together so you can get a really good, deep wiggle on - which feels oh so good!


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Post Lockdown - The Perfect Activity!


Let’s Do This - A (pre) run yoga guide